
Prenuptial Agreement In Dubai

The case is Court of Cassation, Dubai Case Number 2 of 2010, in which the woman attempted to file a divorce for cruelty and mental and physical damage and pleaded for the dissolution of the marriage because it was an irretrievable collapse. She was attempting to impose a post-marital arrangement, executed with her husband on the terms her husband promised her residential property in her name in the United Arab Emirates. The Court granted him a divorce on September 28, 2010, but found that it was not legal to enforce an agreement reached after the marriage, as the conditions had not been enshrined in the marriage certificate; Section 20 of the Personal Status Act would therefore not be applicable. For this reason, the Court adopted the position of interpreting such an obligation to consign the husband in the same way that any ordinary contract would be subject to the Civil Procedure Act. In the end, this clause, not confirmed by the Court of Justice after the obligation of marriage, was also confirmed, because the clause of the agreement does not meet the requirements of the Civil Procedure Act, i.e. the offer and acceptance of a contract that were absent from the agreement. ♡ The agreement may require you to waive your right to inherit your future spouse`s estate if he dies. We conclude that, in the current social conditions, where the divorce rate is increasing in the United Arab Emirates and around the world and where both parties have a fair share of accumulated property and property, a pre-marital agreement can ensure that legal conflicts in the event of separation do not take away the best part of the spouses` lives and also contribute to the separation being consensual and comfortable for the parties concerned and their Families. For divorce proceedings in the United Arab Emirates, the Personal Status Act applies and the matrimonial agreement is treated as for UAE nationals (for more information on this, we refer you to the next section). If the marriage agreement is applied outside the United Arab Emirates after the conclusion of the divorce, it is considered a case of the application of a contractual agreement and is therefore subject to United Arab Emirates Act 5 for civil transactions. For assets outside the United Arab Emirates, the applicability of agreements is governed by the law applicable to where those assets are located.