How can I see a list of chedule agreements that have open quantities (e.g. not fully delivered by the seller) if the delivery date (delivery date expects us from the seller) is located on or before the planning close for the appointment material (we only have one material per appointment) A framework contract is a long-term sales contract with a seller that contains conditions for the material to be delivered by the seller. > have materials per appointment) > > Thank you for any guide you can offer> > Thank you> > Andy Hartley> > IT Manager> Valeo Service (UK) Ltd.> Tel. www.novisnet.pt > Check out the most popular SAP market analysis document today.> sap.ittoolbox.com/r/hdr.asp?r=3D10424>> Archives: ittoolbox.com/hrd.asp?i=3D920>>> How can I see a list of plan agreements with open quantities = Framework contract is a long-term sales contract between supplier and customer. There are two types of framework agreements: the terms of a framework contract are valid for a certain period of time and cover a certain quantity or predefined value. The main points to consider in the context of a framework contract are the following A long-term framework contract between a supplier and a customer for a predefined material or service over a given period of time. .