
Self-Billing Agreement Example

There are special rules if you have a self-billing agreement and are involved in transactions for which the self-granting regime applies to mobile phone and computer chip deliveries. Establish a self-billing agreement between a customer and their supplier and the conditions to be met. You must set up a new agreement if your provider transfers its business as a current business and if you and the new owner want to continue self-billing. In the VAT 700/62 communication, you will find out how customers and their suppliers should process VAT when using self-billing agreements. The terms of the agreement are a matter between you and your client, but there are certain conditions that you must both comply with to ensure that you comply with VAT rules. Both parties to the agreement should ensure that the self-billing account accurately reflects the relevant transactions and that the correct VAT rate is applied. If an agency self-bills on your behalf, it`s up to you to make sure the invoices are issued correctly. The whole establishment is an agreement that has a lot of legal weight and must be agreed by your company or agency. It is the customer who establishes the tally before sending a copy with the payment to you or your supplier. You should encourage your customer or supplier to accept the creation of such an invoice. You can establish self-billing agreements with your suppliers, as long as you are able to meet certain conditions, you must: you must not issue self-billed invoices to a supplier who has changed its registration number before you have prepared a new self-billing agreement for them.

You both have to sign a formal self-billing agreement. It is a legally binding document. The contract must contain the following: If a supplier is no longer registered for VAT, you can continue to charge it yourself, but you cannot issue it with VAT invoices. Your self-billing agreement with this provider is no longer covered by VAT rules. When it comes to VAT self-billing, you must submit a VAT invoice to the customer, whether you are providing services or goods at a reduced or standard rate to another person subject to VAT. VAT invoices are usually issued by the supplier. However, in certain circumstances, the customer can establish the invoice and send a copy to the supplier. This agreement between the customer and the supplier is called self-billing.

Customers should, however, ensure that they enter into and verify self-billing agreements with suppliers, keep copies of these agreements with your suppliers` names, addresses and registration details, and submit supplier data for consultation with HMRC. Once you have entered into a self-billing agreement with a supplier, you must issue invoices yourself for all transactions with them during the period of the agreement. You can only enter into a self-billing agreement if your provider agrees to place one. If you don`t agree with your supplier, your bills billed by yourself are not valid VAT bills – and you can`t get the UPstream VAT they represent. Remember that EU countries can set their own self-billing conditions. You must therefore ensure that any agreement you make for one supplier in another country also meets these conditions. Self-billing agreements typically take 12 months. At the end of this agreement, you must review the agreement to ensure that you can prove to HMRC that your provider agrees to accept the self-billing invoices you make on their behalf. It is very important that you do not charge a supplier yourself if you do not have your written consent.